This is selected as “Tokyo brand collaborative planning products 2017”.
Tokyo Metropolitan government build up “Tokyo brand” to make strong impression for travel destination.
One of branding, application for how to use “&TOKYO” on their product.
Yamada Sen-i is selected one of them. We join to plan and product development “&TOKYO” on “Furoshiki ”are designed” one of “TOKYO no Nihon” with Tokyo Metropolitan government.
TOKYO no Nihon
Wrapping two tower of TOKYO in Furoshiki. It can easy procedure to make Japanese symbol of two towers.
Designed by Eiji Marui who is graphic designer and associate professor of Kyoto university of art and design.
It is designed red and light blue on diagonal simple composition.
This product selected by “& TOKYO” 2017 that is joint item of Tokyo PR product.
We wish to cheer it up Japanese unique item “Furoshiki”.
TOKYO no Nihon
There are 2 symbol of towers in Tokyo Japan where are typical sightseeing spots. The title of Furoshiki “TOKYO no Nihon” is designed “2 bottles wrapping” style that 2 bottle of Sake or Wine are wrapped the same time. when it is wrapped to appear 2 symbol of towers in Tokyo.
Ofcause, You can enjoy different style of wrapping style.