Wereldmuseum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has reached out to us with the second request to create an original Furoshiki, this time featuring a refreshed color palette.
Wereldmuseum, formerly known as Tropenmuseum, held an exhibition titled 'Gifts Unwrapped' from April 2021 to March 2023. Together, we developed an original Furoshiki design and contributed to an immersive installation featuring Furoshiki after multiple online meetings.
Refreshed with a New Color!
This time, the color has been refreshed while retaining the previous design, as per their request.
Client's Voice
By Jeanine Aalfs, Manager Retail & Marchandising and Ellen de Boer, Buyer for Wereldmuseum shops
A “new” way of gifting or wrapping goods
We made the second request because we thought people like the exclusive cooperation we have with Musubi.
The responds of our Museumshop visitors is very positive.
A “new” way of gift or goods wrapping.
As well as the the sustainable approach of the products.
We love the collaboration that started in 2017 with the Cool Japan exhibition and continued in 2019 for Gifts Unwrapped.
The sewn tag also highlights our collaboration, adding a unique touch to the product.
The collaborated Furoshiki was featured on local news "RTS"
We are honored that this beautiful furoshiki is once again capturing the hearts of the Dutch and was broadcast on Dutch television.
Daan Kok, curator of the Japan collection at Wereldmuseum, who worked on the Gifts Unwrapped exhibition, shares a fascinating story about how furoshiki was used in bathing houses.
Watch the RTS news (Dutch)
Comments from MUSUBI
By Hasui ,International Trade and Development Officer of MUSUBI by Yamada sen-i
I received a collaboration request for the second time after they changed their name from Tropenmuseum to Wereldmuseum. It is truly an honor to work with them again.
The color inspiration for the new Furoshiki came from their ceramic line, based on "Lilac, Sea Blue and Green," which they have been developing.
Additionally, they wanted to move away from the traditionaly sky-blue image and explore other color options.
I was delighted to see that the Furoshiki was featured on local news, and I could finally witness how it looked after arriving in the Netherlands from Japan.
It's interesting to observe how the culture of Furoshiki is gradually spreading across the Netherlands through the museum.
Lastly, I would like to express my deep appreciation to everyone involved in this project.
Client : Wereldmuseum(formerly Tropenmuseum)
Business profile : Etnographic Museum
Address : Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Website : https://amsterdam.wereldmuseum.nl/en
Posted on : December 15, 2024
Purpose : Sales
Menu : full customization
Size : 100cm/39.4in
Material : organic cotton